
Thursday 9 May 2019



Today I am going to be talking to you about what we did for maths today.
So today I have learnt what the word BODMAS stands for so the B stands for BRACKETS, The O stands for ODER, The D stands for DIVISION, The M stands for MULTIPLICATION, The A stands for ADDITION and finally the S is for SUBTRACTION.

An EXAMPLE for what we did today is what the next thing i'm going to talk about so here it is.
EXAMPLE:     30 - (5 x 23 - 15) this is how you solve it...
So first you follow the BODMAS which means do the B first which is BRACKETS what I mean by do the B first I mean you do the numbers in the brackets which should look like this...
(5 x 23 - 15) and when you do that you first find out what 23 is. That number means 2 x 2 x 2 and that equals 8 because 2 x 2 = 4 and 4 x 2 = 8 so that is how you get the first answer then the next thing you do is 5 x 8 which equals 40 then you do 40 - 15 and that would equal to 25.
The LAST thing you do is you use the 30 and you take away 25 from 30 and that would equal...


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