
Friday 28 August 2020

Zebrafish explanation

 Zebrafish text:

New words: .

  • Anatomy- study of the body.

  • Post-fertilization  - after the boy part and girl part come together to make a baby (when the cells combine)

  • Himalayas - mountain range that separates China and India

  • Embryo - a group of cells that turn into a baby or egg

  • Genetic - relating to your DNA

  • Himalayas - A country that has a lot of Mountains

  • Ganges  - a long river in India

  • Organs - body parts

  • Juvenile - child/teenager

  •   Sections - slices  

  • Stained with dyes - putting different coloured liquids onto it so you can see different parts 

  • Coronal -  cutting in half vertically E.g. separating the front and the back 

  • Transverse -   cutting in half horizontally, E.g. cutting the head off the body

  •  Sagittal - cutting in half  vertically - E.g. cutting the left side away from the right side

Hope -  Zebrafish is transparent and they live in Ganges river in the wild, in India where they have fresh water. Scientists study the zebrafish because they are transparent so the scientists see inside it. Zebrafish is 2.5cm to 4cm long, Embryo is the egg of the zebrafish and has three layers which are single cell,yolk and chorion. After the scientists breed about a hundred or thousands of zebrafish they kill them and look at them under a microscope to study them. It takes 2 to 3 days for an egg to hatch, the zebrafish lifespan is 2 to 7 years.

These are different kinds of cuts.

  • Coronal -  cutting in half vertically E.g. separating the front and the back 

  • Transverse -   cutting in half horizontally, E.g. cutting the head off the body

  •  Sagittal - cutting in half  vertically - E.g. cutting the left side away from the right side.

Scientists kill the zebrafish at different ages(hour/days post fertilization). Scientists take photos of the different stages of how the organs grow. They use different kinds of dye to see different kinds of body parts and they take pictures of it to see the difference between zebrafish. 


This is a 48 year old coronal, the big round part is going to                This is a 48 transverse and the two big                  Be the body part                                                                                   circles are going to be the eyes

Wednesday 26 August 2020



Today my blog is about zebrafish and about what happens when zebrafish have eggs, its also the steps explaining what makes up a zebrafish egg.

Monday 24 August 2020

Early human evolution explanation

 The evolution of humans can be easily seen through their Latin translations; Hominins (man), Homo Habilis (able/handy man), Homo erectus (standing man), Homo neanderthalensis and Homo Sapien (wise man). Over millions of years these creatures changed and developed. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution explains how we got to be the modern humans we are today.Interbreeding Among Early Hominins | IFLScience

Written by Miss Ashley

Theory of evolution

Charles Darwin’s ‘theory of evolution’ was made famous in 1859 when he published his book called ‘The Origin of Species’. In this book, he talked about the idea that all living things originated from one common ancestor and evolved over millions and millions of years. He also introduced the idea of ‘natural selection’. Natural selection means that animals/organisms with desirable traits (E.g. things about them that helped them to survive, like their size, camouflage, long neck, etc) would survive and pass their traits onto their children. The ones with undesirable traits (e.g. too small, too slow, couldn’t hide, couldn’t fight back) were eaten and their traits were not passed on. His ideas were accepted by scientists around the world as he had been studying different species around the world for decades. 

Written by Miss Ashley

First land organisms

The first organisms to venture onto land (apart from plants) was around 30 million years Ago. A fish called coelacanth was one of the first to venture onto land - into a shallow marine environment. Scientists think it was either looking for food, avoiding predators or laying eggs in the shallow waters. It had to develop a stronger rib cage in order to support its body weight out of water (as in water all things are more buoyant). Over time, they also evolved lungs so they could breathe, and their fins became more boney and became strong legs which helped them move.  Years after the first amphibian-like animals came along the first one had fins and years after it had half fins and legs after a lot more years it has all legs.

Written by Eh Htoo Wah, supported by Miss Ashley

How fins evolved into feet - Technology & science - Science ...

HomininsA hominid skull fossil reveals the face of Lucy's possible ...

Hominins are the earliest version of a human that we know of. For about 6 to 5 million years ago hominids/ancestors have been known to live on planet earth located in Africa. They were around 130cm tall and weighed about 35kg. Hominins used to draw things in caves.  They eat hard items or food such as seeds and nuts. Hominins are closely related to humans or homosapin. And the first hominins that step foot on Africa or New Zealand 3 million years ago. And the olds hominins live for 5.8 million year. They were bipedal. They had grasp too. And they have family. Hominins evolved and turned into a human. What's in a Name? Hominid Versus Hominin | Science | Smithsonian ...

Written by Mariah/Railey


Homo Habilis

Homo Habilis lived 2 million years ago. The person the first discovered homo habilis was Mark Leakly. Homo Habilis were flexible and versatile. They were also to eat tough food like leaves and woody plants and they also eat meat by scavenging from animal carcasses. Homo Habilis were the first kind of human to make/use tools. Their family is Hominidae and live in small groups. Homo Habilis inhabited parts of Sub Saharan Africa from roughly 2.4 to 1.5 million years ago. They also have several teeth in the lower jaw and have bipedal with no grasping feet; limiting them to a life on the ground. They are the most ancient representative of the human genus and their brain ranged in size from 550 cm cubed to 687 cm cubed. The tools made by Homo Habilis were made from volcanic rock cobbles. 

Written by Hope

Homo erectus

Homo erectus had Larger brains then the homohabilis. They were the first to leave Africa around 1.5 million years ago, then the homo erectus went into Europe/Asia. Their hands used to look like a foot but then it changed into a hand, then they had Dexterous Fingers which means they can use them. Homo erectus is a Bipedal which means they stand on two long legs. By 800,000 years ago, they used fire to cook food. Homo erectus ate meat and crisp root vegetables, they ate small animals and ate animals many times larger than their own body size, such as elephants, rhinos, buffalo, and giraffes, whereas chimpanzees. Homo erectus is an extinct species of archaic humans from the pleistocene. Homo erectus Height is 1.4 to 1.8m. Their brain size is 550-1,250 cm. They weigh about 41 kg to 65 kg. The homo erectus fossils are found in Africa, Asia and perhaps Europe. Their appearance is human-like body proportions and upright stance, a protruding brow ridge, large face and no chin. 

Written by Michael and Davlyn

Homo neanderthalensis

Homo neanderthalensis lived in southern Europe and Asia. They are commonly called Neanderthals, named after a region in Germany where fossils were found. They existed around 1,000,000 years ago and are often depicted hunting ice age animals such as mammoths. Their height was around 1.7m.  Neanderthals lived alongside early modern humans for at least part of their existence. They had large front teeth; scientists think they used these like a third hand when preparing food and other materials. They lived peacefully and had children with other types of humans. Homo neanderthalensis looked after their sick and buried their dead. They were mammals. Neanderthals could make their own spears and flint handaxes. They used their tools to kill large mammals and eat them. Their skulls were like the same size as homo sapiens; they had a large nose, strong brow bridge. Scientists think that their stocky bodies and wide open nostrils helped them survive colder climates. 

Written by Wesley

Homo sapiens 

Homo sapiens is the scientific name for modern humans. It is the only extant homo species (not extinct). Homo sapiens first migrated from Africa 70-50,000 years ago and lived in Southern Asia and Europe. Males were around 1.7m tall and females around 1.6m tall. They ate meat gathered by killing animals, plants and fungi. They lived at the same time as some Neanderthals, and lived peacefully alongside them, even interbreeding with them. Some modern humans have upto 2% Neanderthal DNA in them.

Ideas and draft by Saia, Kymani and Nitika, rewritten by Miss Ashley.

Over time, humans grew bigger and taller, travelled across continents, learnt to make and use tools/weapons, learnt to cook food, and grew bigger brains.

Homo Habilis Facts

 Homo Habilis lived 2 million years ago, they were only on average 4 to 3 inches tall. 

The person the first discovered homo habilis was Mark Leakly. Homo Habilis were flexible and versatile. They were also to eat tough food like leaves and woody plants and they also eat meat by scavenging from animal carcasses. Homo Habilis were the first kind of human to make/use tools. Their family is Hominidae and live in small groups. Homo Habilis inhabited parts of Sub Saharan Africa from roughly 2.4 to 1.5 million years ago. They also have several teeth in the lower jaw and have bipedal with no grasping feet. They are the most ancient representative of the human genus and their brain ranged in size from 550 cm cubed to 687 cm cubed. The tools made by Homo Habilis were made from volcanic rock cobbles. 

 Homo habilis - Wikipedia  Homo Habilis - Lessons - Tes Teach

human evolution | Stages & Timeline | Britannica

Friday 21 August 2020


Today my blog post is about animal adaptation, So Room 8 had to watch a video and explain on a slide what was special about that animal.

Study of an animal

Today my blog post is about a animal, So we had to pick a random animal and we had to study about it and answer the questions that were on the slide show.

Statements about a graph

Today rm 8 was learning how to make statements about graphs, we had to write something about the graph and in the statement you had to have a reason.

Statistics, Reading a graph


How animals evolve from water to land

Early humans

Tuesday 18 August 2020

origin of life

 Link to video:

Link to transcript:

Words from transcript:

  •  Vegetation -All plants

  • Proliferate - spread

  • Enabled - allowed, afforded

  • Microbes - teeny tiny organisms like bacteria

  •  Adversaries - enemies, foes. 

  •  Majority - the biggest section

  •  Irrevsible - can’t go back, can’t undo it.

  • Pulsating - vibrating, moving, alive.

  • Eco systems - a group of organisms that live together and rely on each other for survival

  • Pollinators - animals that spread pollen, like bees.

  • Magnitude - importance

  • Breeding - making babies 

  •  Ensured - make sure. 100% gonna happen.

Summary of ideas: 

Paragraph one -  organisms/living things came out of the water. Life emerged from the ocean nearly 3 and a half billion years ago.The Earth was covered in plants (vegetation). Different species of animals/organisms evolved over millions of years in different habitats. 

Paragraph two - Animals that are predators have less babies, less often, (E.g. humans mostly have one baby at a time) because they will survive. Animals that are prey, have more babies/eggs, more often, because their babies/eggs will get eaten by predators. For example, glow worms lay eggs in batches of  30. When the first egg hatches, that worm eats its siblings as its first food source.

Paragraph three - Animals live in ecosystems, which is like a web or team where all the organisms rely on each other to survive. Some animals eat each other  (predator and prey), some trees are homes for animals, some fungi rot the leaves that fall from trees and feed nutrients back into the ground.

Paragraph four - Humans are destroying the planet through pollution, cutting down trees (deforestation) and putting bad gases into the air. We will have lots of animals/species either by killing them or destroying their habitats. Scientists predict that within 30 years, ⅕ of all species on Earth will be extinct.

Paragraph five/six  - In a rush to improve our own lives, humans have damaged the planet forever. Species that go extinct can never be brought back to life.

Tuesday 11 August 2020




Student responses:

  • Nitika -  I wonder how much did they make  in a year altogether? (annual income)

  • Nitika - I wonder why the pakeha men make more money than the pakeha women?

  • All of the women get paid less than the men - because they don’t do hard work jobs. 

  • Pakeha men get paid more than Pacific men. 

  • I wonder why Pacific women get paid less. 

  • I wonder why men get paid more because people care more about men than women. 

  • Fereti - Pakeha men get paid #31 per hour - they get paid more because they are men.

  • Income has changed overtime. 

  • Men get more money than women - because women had to stay and clean. 

  • Mathew -  Pakeha men get paid the most.

  • Eh Htoo Wah - Pakeha men get more money because they know more. Pacific women get less money because women get less money. Some other countries don’t count in here because there are not enough for them. 

  • Senitila - Asian people are paid less.

  • Senitila - We think people get more money than the money because they speak up. 

  • Hope - I noticed that women get less money because most people care about men more than women and think men is more important. 

  • Hope - I wonder why pakeha people get paid more than Pacific, Maori and Asian people. 

  • Giamarni - I think Pakeha men get paid more because they are men and they are white. 

  • Giamarni - Women get paid less than men, but women do a lot of unpaid work (caring for children, caring for elderly relatives, cleaning etc). 

  • Ana - I notice I can’t really see the colours - they are too close together. This means that those groups of people whose colours you can’t really see must earn the same amount of money.

  • Havea - the payrolls get higher as time goes on.

  • Over the years everyones pay has increased or decreased due to protests/striking.

  • Davlyn - in 2016 Pakeha men got paid $32 an hour. 

  • Davlyn - Pakeha women get paid the least in 1997 and 2016.

  • Davlyn - Pakeha men get paid the most in all the years.

Other ideas we talked about

  • Why are Asian men and women only counted in this graph from 2011 onwards?

    • Maybe because we got a lot of refugees and then they all started working

    • Because there wasn’t that many asians in NZ

  • Do indians count as asians in this graph?

  • Where are all the other cultures? Why are Pakeha and Maori actual cultures, but Pasifika is a group of people and so is Asian? Is that fair?

  • Unpaid vs. paid work - especially for women. 

Meaning of words(Science)

 Qur’an - Muslim Bible

Deeds - Action performed Intentionally

Ceiling - inside of a roof

Mecca - A place for muslims to go and pray

Gestapo - It was the official secret police of Germany 

Thrust - Push,Shove

Stammered - Saying something with difficulty

Good Omens - Either a sign thats imagined or real

Mental asylum - Hospital for mentally incompete people

Shuddered - Result of fear

Stubble -  Th cut stalks of cereal plants

Ripe - Developed to point when readiness for eating

Fugitive - A person who has escaped or is hiding

Guantanamo Bay - It’s a place

Waterspout - A rotating column of water and spray

Brass - A yellow alloy

Tarnished - To lose something like close to them

Idoline - it is the chemical element of atomic 53. A non-metallic element forming black crystals and violet vapour

Disinfectant - chemical liquid that destroys bacteria

Welts - a sore like a blister

Malecon - the spanish word for pier

Scoffed - talking to someone in a mocking way

Aft - Aft basically means the front of a boat/ship. 

Steward - A steward means someone who is assigned to look after passengers on a ship, aircraft or a train.

Dachau - Dachau is a concentration camp for Jews

Confined To Quarters - This just means, a jail cell for the ill or something… I really don’t know-  

Brim Of Their Hat - The brim of the hat is basically the hard part of a cap/hat.

Hitler Salute - A Hitler salute is extending your right arm out and keeping your hand flat and shouting “Heil Hitler!” or “Seig Heil!”.

Lingered - Lingered means just staying in one spot for a long time.

Third Reich - i am… disgusted. uh-1

Iodine - is a bottle for a sickness

Disinfectant - is a cleaner bottle

Welts - is like a sickness like chicken pops

Malecon - is a place 

Scoffed - talking to someone by mocking

Fugitive - a guy who escaped from a place or hiding

Guantanamo bay is a place for prisoners

Brass - is gold stuff

Waterspout - something that comes from the sky, or like a tap

Tarnished - is like a fork or a spoon

Jewish-is a beliefs

Nazi-is a big group of people that do not like Jewish and put them in concentration camp 

Hittler-is the leader of the Nazi 

Clawed-scratching someone's with your claws

Bureans- drawer

Scowled-looked at them badly

Dismissive wave-go away wave

Scrawny-very thin or skinny

Synagogues-synagogue is a Jewish house of worship

Despair-deep sadness or loss of hope

Stopped dead-not moving

Civil war-civil war means a war between citizens of the same country.

Dictators-Dictators mean a ruler with total power over a country,typically one who has obtained controlled by force.

Overthrowing-knock or throw to the ground.

Whizzing-move quickly through the air with whistling or buzzer sound.

Flailed-wave or swing widely.

Cowered-couch down in fear

Wailed-utter a wail

Telegram-a message sent by telegraph and then delivered in written or printed form, used in the UK only for international messages since 1981.

Sturmabteilung-Definition of SA (Sturmabteilung or Storm Troopers) SA (Sturmabteilung or Storm Troopers): Also known as "Brown Shirts," they were the Nazi party's main instrument for undermining democracy and facilitating Adolf Hitler's rise to power.

Swastika-an ancient symbol in the form of an equal-armed cross with each arm continued at a right angle, used (in clockwise form) as the emblem of the German Nazi party.

Trembling-shaking or quivering, typically as a result of anxiety, excitement, or frailty.

Restoration-the action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition.

Berlin-berlin is a city in germany

Bow-Two loops tied together - OR the front part of a ship. 

Starboard-The side of a ship that is on the right facing forward

Anchor-Something to hold the boat down.

Quailed-To show fear to something.

Loomed-Something large or scary.

Wake-When your eyes open when they are closed for a long time

 Behemoth-is a huge monstrous creature.

Mere- Mere is something to describe someone worthless.

Amidships-In the middle of a ship.

Ocean floor-the very bottom of the ocean.

Sluicing-Wash or rinse something with a stream of shower water.

Asylum-Someone who left their country 

Panoramic-Surrounding people that are watching you

Sneering-The action of smiling or speaking in a contemptuous or mocking manner 

Solemnly-Formal and dignified speech

Pedestal-The base or support on witch statue,or column is mounted

Spooked- scared

Steering wheel- the round thing you use to drive a boat

Porthole- a circular window on a boat

Obscure- weird, unusual 

Bridge- the control centre of a boat

Horst Wessel- a song Nazi’s sung about Jewish people.