
Wednesday 6 May 2020


  • Carved out - when  you make a cave using tools like a pickaxe or shovel to make a hole in the
  • rock
  • Caverns- Cave
  • Underground network - 

Summary in our own words

Michael- 20 years ago some school boys stumbled into a tunnel underneath the french
city of Arras. Around 20 years ago, they made an amazing discovery. The tunnel led 30 meters
underground into huge caverns. Names, signs and graffiti were painted on the bare rocks.

Wesley-almost 20 years ago some schoolboys found a cavern where soldiers came to rest in.
The secret tunnel was 30 meters. It was a great discovery that they found.

Davlyn- Nearly 20 years ago some schoolboys will wonder into a tunnel underneath Arras. The
tunnel led 30 meters underground, there were grafite all of the walls and one of  the walls had a
writing on it Kia ora NZ and on both sides had a fern.

Eh Htoo-About 20 years ago some school boys went into a cavern in France.
It was a tunnel that was about 30 metres and it was a hiding place about 100
years ago. Thousands of British and Canada soldiers hide in it to fight the

Mariah: About 20 year ago schoolboys discovered an andgrawn caverns with some stafe.

Railey- for about 20 years ago some schoolboys suddenly stumbled in an underground tunnel in
the French City of Arras. THey made a huge discovery of the underground tunnel that was made
during WW1. The Tunnel was led for about 30 meters and it was full of signs and one even said
Kia Ora NZ. 

Hope - Around Twenty years ago there were schoolboys that stumbled into a tunnel underneath
the French city of Arras. They discovered something amazing there. The tunnel that they were
in led 30 meters underground into enormous caverns. There were Signs, Names and Graffiti
painted on bare rock walls. There was one message on the wall that said ¨Kia Ora NZ¨. There
was also a hidden place for the soldiers that was made a hundred years ago during WW1 and
the boys accidentally rediscovered it. There were Thousands of men resting in the stone caverns.
Those soldiers came from Britain and Canada to fight Germans. 

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