
Thursday 28 May 2020


NIWA - National Institute of cold water and Atmospheric research  
Artificially -  Faking it
Atmospheric - Relating to the atmosphere of the earth
High-resolution - Large amount of detail
Examined by scientists - Scientist look at something and start to study it
Submersible - Like a submarine but smaller
Enabled - You have power over that thing
Seabed -  The bottom of the ocean
  • How do the scientists study the reef? They have to go to the water
  • and get the corals by using a fishermen net or submersible then have a look at it then study it.
  •  What are they trying to show or figure out? They are trying to figure out if
  • the corals would die or live when they put it in acid.
  • Why are the NZ scientists testing in an "artificially acidified sea water" - what
  • does this mean? They were trying to figure out what would happen to the corals,
  • and what will show how different species cope with changing conditions.
  • Why does Australia have tropical coral and NZ have cold-water coral? Australia has
  • tropical water because they are closer to the equator and NZ is further away from the equator.
  • Where does NZ cold-water coral grow? It is found in the seabed in the deep ocean.
  • How far down? It is around 1 kilometre deep.
  • Why can't NZ have tropical coral? Because the water is not warm enough.
  • How do scientists get the cold water coral so they can study it? They go to the
  • bottom of the ocean by using the submersible
  • Make a DLO showing 'before and after' type photos of coral reefs. Make a screencast
  • and explain how coral reefs are damaged using your own words.

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